By Evan Norfleet
As the first semester of the Capital Fellows program draws to a close, it is my privilege to reflect on the Lord’s faithfulness in my life as well as the fourteen other fellows during these past few months. It is hard to believe that just over three months ago, we found ourselves sharing our testimonies, boldly stepping into the unknown, and looking forward with anticipation to a new season in our lives.
Throughout the fall, we have seriously engaged in the work of building intentional Christian community as we sought and continue to seek to connect the riches of the gospel to the realities of our everyday lives. We have found that this is no easy task, as we have been forced to confront our brokenness, often in the presence of one another. Still, it is in this process of knowing and becoming known to one another where we have been met by a God whose radical love meets us where we are, brokenness and all. It is even more humbling, then, that God would choose us as the ones to bear His image and play an active role in growing His kingdom.
During this season of advent, I am especially thankful that the God we serve is faithfully present. As a fellow, I have found myself reflecting on this phrase in a variety of settings, including McLean Presbyterian Church, Cornerstone School, the workplace, the home, class, my relationship with my mentor, and our larger group of fellows. Within this frame of mind, I am humbled that God would choose to be faithfully present by sending his perfect son to live among us: “For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell” (Col. 1:19).
In light of this truth, I am specifically encouraged in three ways. First, the richness of the gospel has the power to step into our present circumstances and transform the way we live right now. Second, we can rest in the present because our ultimate future is secure in Jesus. Finally, as God’s image bearers, we can boldly embrace the realities of each aspect of our lives by stewarding the gifts we have been given.
I am especially grateful for every individual in the larger fellows community who has stepped into this season of new surroundings, challenges, and opportunities. Even as we look forward to the upcoming semester, I pray that we would rest in the present and celebrate God’s faithfulness as we behold the wondrous mystery of a babe—the fullness of God, lying in a manger.
Thank you all for your support of the Capital Fellows Program and Merry Christmas!
Come behold the wondrous mystery
In the dawning of the King
He the theme of heaven’s praises
Robed in frail humanity
In our longing, in our darkness
Now the light of life has come
Look to Christ, who condescended
Took on flesh to ransom us.
-- from Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery by Matt Boswell, Michael Bleeker and Matt Papa
Pictures from the Week