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Writer's pictureCapital Fellows

ABM (Always Be Moochin’)

By Emily Costea

After a quick trip to the snack table during our winter retreat, our very own David Seaton exclaimed, “Man, we always be moochin’!” To help you understand his excitement, I’ll describe what our snack table looked like when we arrived. It overflowed with popcorn, pretzels, chips, candy, chocolate, fruit snacks, and granola bars. Sweet, sour, salty. You name it, we had it. For those who are unfamiliar with the term “mooch”, Merriam-Webster defines it as getting things from others or living off the generosity of others without providing any return payment or benefit.

I would say that this term embodies much of the Capital Fellows experience. The church has demonstrated radical hospitality since the day we arrived in northern Virginia. Families have opened their homes to host strangers for nine months. Church members have invited us to countless dinners and events just to get to know us. Church committees have offered counseling services and endless networking connections. The kitchen staff has provided space for us to cook meals and has even allowed us to dispose of leftover food. I’m telling you, the way to 15 post-college students’ hearts is through free food.

Multiple times a week, I find myself questioning, “What did I do to deserve this?” The short answer is nothing. I did nothing to earn these gifts, rather I automatically received them due to the simple fact that I am a fellow. I assume I can speak for all of the fellows when I say this, but because we have been cared for so generously, our love for the church and its people has grown exponentially. Our desire is to reflect the grace and kindness we have experienced through our work and relationships.

I would argue that the same is true in terms of our relationship with God. Before the foundation of the world, God chose us. Through adoption as sons and daughters of Christ, we receive automatic, undeserved, unmerited, unearned favor and blessing. Despite our rebellion, we receive freedom through Jesus’ sacrifice. In our weakness, God is eager to provide counsel, knowledge, wisdom, forgiveness, and the list goes on. In other words, God delights in letting us mooch off of him, and I think that is so cool. Recognition of his love for me, not because of what I’ve done but who I am, makes me love him even more and desire to glorify him in all I do. In this crazy season full of fear and uncertainty, I encourage you to ABM and rest in God’s love for you.

“But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ- by grace you have been saved- and raised us up and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
-- Ephesians 2: 4-10


Recent Capital Fellows Pictures

The Fellows enjoyed many afternoon walks on the C&O Canal Trail in Maryland during their winter retreat!

Shoutout to the families who are willing to host us for sleepovers!!!

Sometimes it's nice to get out of the city and be in the middle of nowhere with your friends for a few days :)

David made some guacamole using his new volcanic rock molcajete he got for Christmas

Jack, Samuel, and me playing racquetball :)


Become A Capital Fellow in 2022-23

We are now receiving applications for Season 16 of the Capital Fellows program!


IMPORTANT: SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES TO WORK AT MCLEAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - Most fellows work in the marketplace - for companies, nonprofits, government offices. Three Capital Fellows work at our church each year as well. For these roles, we are looking for a worship fellow, a children's ministry fellow, and a missions fellow. These are special Capital Fellows opportunities because you are not only paid a salary, but also your Capital Fellows program fees are covered as well!

The Season 16 program year runs from late August 2022 through mid-May 2023. If you are a college senior or recent graduate - or know someone that is - we would love to hear from you!


Pray for the Capital Fellows

Thank you for praying for the Capital Fellows each week!

The Capital Fellows are starting the spring semester of seminary courses, with Dr. Bill Fullilove and Dr. Bill Clark. Please pray for the Fellows as they are step back into class and as they seek to grow in their knowledge of God and of themselves. Please also pray for the professors in the Capital Fellows program that they, also, would be blessed this semester by the Word of God and fellowship with the Class of 2022.

Want to pray for the Capital Fellows throughout the year? Download this handy prayer guide for your phone or tablet.


Benefits of The Fellows Initiative

You probably already know that Capital Fellows is one of 32 fellows programs in The Fellows Initiative network. Capital Fellows benefit from our affiliation with The Fellows Initiative in many ways. One of those ways is that all Capital Fellows alumni receive a 33% tuition discount at Reformed Theological Seminary for 5 years. For more information, please contact us.

If you know a church in the US or Canada that would benefit from joining The Fellows Initiative by launching a new fellows program. Please contact TFI by visiting their website.


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